
According to Michael Pizer and Yurig Francuz: The Taube family were bakers. The father was Moishe-Aaron. There were three boys: Usha, Leiser-David, and (?). At least one brother was in Russia during the war.


Per email from Ester Penn (Orner), Klodawa descendant, 12/04:

My name is Esther Penn and I was born in Klodawa in the year 1938. My parents names were: Foigel Orner, maiden name Taube, and Nahum-Haim Orner from Kutno.My mother passed away recently in Israel. My father perished in Auszwitz on 29th July 1942.I would like to make contact with anyone who knew my parents or my grandparents, Taube Asher and Rebeca (Rubinstain), who owned a flour mill.

Thank you for the opportunity of getting people together.

Additionally, from Ester Penn 1/05:

My mother, my grandmother and myself left Klodawa in 1942 when the Germans started putting Jews in ghettos.  my mother organised it.  all through the war we have been in Tarnow (near Krakow) posing as Polish people.  I attended a kindergarten in a Convent not knowing that we are Jews.  My mother and myself were very lucky being blond with fair complexion. no one knew my mother at that town and she could impose as someone that she knew in Klodawa and was sent to working camp in Germany.  that's a big story but very true.
I wish you luck with your research.  actually I am looking for people who survived Auschwitz and new my father.  He arrived there from Radom 0n 2/7/42 and was killed on the 29th same month.  I have just one photo which I received from someone at the States




Leiser-David Taube
Bialystok, Russia. 1941.

Members of the Tabaczynski family are gathered at the Klodawa train station to see off their cousin, Hanka Tabaczynska, who is leaving for Palestine (c. 1930). Among those pictured are Gina Tabaczynska (in the foreground, third from the left), Hershel Taube (first on the right), Benjamin Rachwalski (next to Hershel), Edzia Tabaczynska (front row, third from the right), Hanka Tabaczynska (behind Gina, on the left), and Naftali Tabaczynska (behind Hanka).