Hirszkowitz (aka Gerscowicz)

According to Michael Pizer: “There were four brothers: David, Fela, Yankif, Yankesh. They pressed oil by having the horses walk around and drain it from grain. They lived two doors down from the Przedecki family on Rynek. ”

According to Yurig Francus: Rushka and Sercha Hirschcovitz survived in Russia. Sercha married a "big shot" in the Polish communist party in Warsaw.

Per Email Camille Molliere 11/28/08: Eliyashu [and Rivka Burdowski] had two brothers: Mendel Brdowski and Szyja Brdowski.- Mendel married Sura Herszkowicz and had at least 5 (Michele told me 6 i think) children: Moszek, Henoch, Josef, Miriam and Dawid, who we know well. Dawid’s brothers and sisters all died in 1942, he was the only survivor.



Rushka Hirskowitz Bialystok, Russa c. 1940/41.