Background: Das Lied der Deutschen
The melody of the German national anthem comes from the old Austrian imperial anthem “Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser” (“God Save Franz the Emperor”) by Franz Joseph Haydn, which was first played on February 12, 1797. In 1841 Haydn's melody was combined with with lyrics by August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben to create “Das Lied der Deutschen” or “Das Deutschlandlied.” From the time of Bismarck's Prussia (1871) up to the end of the First World War this anthem was replaced by another. In 1922 the first president of the German Republic (the “Weimar Republic”), Friedrich Ebert, officially introduced “Das Lied der Deutschen” as the national anthem. During the 12 years of the Nazi era, the first stanza was the official anthem. In May 1952 the third stanza was proclaimed the official anthem of the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) by President Theodor Heuss. (East Germany had its own anthem.) The second verse, while never verboten, was not very popular because of its “wine, women, and song” theme.

Hear the melody (link below).

Also see: Austrian National Anthem and Swiss National Anthem

Das Deutschlandlied

Das Lied der Deutschen Song of the Germans
German Lyrics Literal English

Deutschland, Deutschland über alles, Germany, Germany above all,
Über alles in der Welt, Above everything in the world,
Wenn es stets zu Schutz und Trutze When always, for protection,
Brüderlich zusammenhält, We stand together as brothers.
Von der Maas bis an die Memel, From the Maas to the Memel
Von der Etsch bis an den Belt - From the Etsch to the Belt -
Deutschland, Deutschland über alles, Germany, Germany above all
Über alles in der Welt. Above all in the world.
Deutsche Frauen, deutsche Treue, German women, German loyalty,
Deutscher Wein und deutscher Sang German wine and German song,
Sollen in der Welt behalten Shall retain in the world,
Ihren alten schönen Klang, Their old lovely ring
Uns zu edler Tat begeistern To inspire us to noble deeds
Unser ganzes Leben lang. Our whole life long.
Deutsche Frauen, deutsche Treue, German women, German loyalty,
Deutscher Wein und deutscher Sang German wine and German song.
Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit Unity and law and freedom
für das deutsche Vaterland! For the German Fatherland
Danach lasst uns alle streben Let us all strive for that
Brüderlich mit Herz und Hand! In brotherhood with heart and hand!
Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit Unity and law and freedom
Sind des Glückes Unterpfand; Are the foundation for happiness
Blüh' im Glanze dieses Glückes, Bloom in the glow of happiness
Blühe, deutsches Vaterland. Bloom, German Fatherland.
Deutschland, Deutschland über alles,* Germany, Germany above all*
Und im Unglück nun erst recht. And in misfortune all the more.
Nur im Unglück kann die Liebe Only in misfortune can love
Zeigen, ob sie stark und echt. Show if it's strong and true.
Und so soll es weiterklingen And so it should ring out
Von Geschlechte zu Geschlecht: From generation to generation:
Deutschland, Deutschland über alles, Germany, Germany above all,
Und im Unglück nun erst recht. And in misfortune all the more.
  *The fourth verse was written by Albert Matthäi during the French occupation of the Ruhr region in 1923. It is not part of the anthem today. Since 1952, only the third (“Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit”) verse has been the official anthem.

  Melody: Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809)
  Lyrics: August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben (1798-1874)

AUDIO 1 > Melody: Lied der Deutschen (midi version)
AUDIO 2 > Deutschlandlied (orchestral version, mp3)